True Putt Creeping Bluegrass Seed

True Putt is an excellent new perennial bluegrass that is medium green depending on fertility and forms a uniform, dense turf at greens height. This creeping bluegrass is medium to fine textured and forms an extremely dense putting green grass surface. True Putt helps crowd out Poa annua better than creeping bentgrass. This Bluegrass seed germinates rapidly in 5 to 7 days under optimum conditions especially when kept continually moist. It is very vigorous and mixes well with creeping bent grass in a 50/50 mixture. True Putt is a great grass seed choice for the home golf green.
True-putt is drought and shade tolerant and recovers well after water stress events. Tolerates close mowing to 1/8 inch (optimum mowing height on greens is 5/32), but will also perform well at 1/2 inch mowing height. Creeping bluegrass is a deep rooted grass which has exhibited some field resistance to pink snowmold. This putting green grass is well adapted to the cool, moist climate especially in the northern half of the United States.
True-Putt will soon be one of the leading putting green grass varieties on the market. A creeping bluegrass putting green has excellent density, shade tolerance, heat tolerance, wear tolerance, and cold tolerance. True Putt golf grass establishes quickly from grass seed, and it produces a thick turf competing with the grassy weed Poa annua. For those of you who want to build your own putting green, True Putt is a great choice for putting green seed.
Click Here for a True Putt Fact Sheet (PDF)
Seeding Rate & Planting Time
- New turf: Sow 2 - 3 pounds of True Putt golf green seed per 1,000 square feet or 80 -120 lbs per acre
- Plant True Putt Creeping Bluegrass seed when soil temperature reaches 55 degrees in spring up until a minimum of 8 weeks before frost in fall