Cotton Seeds - Levant
Flower Specifications
Season: Perennial
USDA Zones: 10 - 11
Height: 30 - 60 inches
Bloom Season: Late spring to early fall
Bloom Color: Multi
Environment: Full sun to partial shade
Soil Type: Wet soil with pH of 7.0
Deer Resistant: Yes
House Plant: No
Latin Name: Gossypium Herbaceum
Planting Directions
Temperature: 70F
Average Germ Time: 7 - 14 days
Light Required: Yes
Depth: 1/4 inch deep
Sowing Rate: 1 - 2 seeds per plant
Moisture: Keep seeds moist until germination
Plant Spacing: 9 - 12 inches
Care & Maintenance: Cotton

Levant Cotton (Gossypium Herbaceum) - A very interesting perennial to grow from Levant Cotton seeds with its multi-colored flowers and cotton pods sprinkled all over. Gossypium Herbaceum cotton, or commonly called Levant Cotton, is a species of cotton native to the semi-arid regions of sub-Saharan Africa and Arabia where it still grows in the wild as a perennial shrub.
Indoor plant
Levant Cotton plants can be grown with success in cooler areas if grown in a container and moved indoors. It makes for a showy garden plant, and it is fun to watch through all its stages!

Cotton seed | levant
How to grow
How To Grow Cotton Levant From Seed: Levant Cotton flower seed germinates very easily. In fact, in zone 11 it is considered to be self-sowing, dropping its own cotton seeds and producing more plants. Sow the Gossypium flower seeds indoors in late spring. Use a rich potting mix. Plant 1 - 2 flower seeds per plant, covering 1/4 inch with soil.
In ideal conditions the flower seed germinates in 7 - 14 days. Water regularly and abundantly keeping it constantly in a sunny location. Replant the Gossypium plant each month to a larger container to help it grow as the root system expands considerably. Young Levant Cotton plants are very sensitive to cold.
- Sowing Rate: 1 - 2 seeds per plant
- Average Germ Time: 7 - 14 days
- Keep moist until germination
- Attracts bees and butterflies
- Depth: 1/4 inch

Plant Specifications
Cotton Levant likes a long, hot growing season to produce the best cotton fibers, so it performs well in the southern United States.
- Height: 30 - 60 inches
- USDA Zones: 10 - 11
- Season: Perennial