Gardenway Cover Crop Seed -

Gardenway Cover Crop Seed

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The benefits of using a cover crop on your garden at the end of the season are well documented. The University of Rhode Island Landscape Horticulture Program provides the following information.

Cover cropping can be an important practice for the end of the garden season. Even small gardens will benefit from the use of cover crops, or "green manures." Tilling, weeding, harvesting and foot traffic of most home gardens tend to destroy soil structure. Planting cover crops is an easy way to revitalize the soil as well as help soil tilth and subsequent plant growth. Cover crops are planted in vacant space and worked into the soil after they grow instead of being eaten. They provide a number of advantages to the otherwise wasteful use of space during your garden's off-season.

Cover crops help to retain the soil, lessen erosion and decrease the impact of precipitation on the garden by slowing the runoff of water. They also reduce mineral leaching and compaction and suppress perennial and winter annual weed growth. The top growth adds organic matter when it is tilled into the garden soil. The cover crop's root system also provides organic matter and opens passageways that help improve air and water movement in the soil.

Gardenway is the perfect cover crop for your garden. A mixture of nitrogen fixating plants to enhance your soil that you can plow or till under the following spring. This mixture will work for a winter cover crop in any area across the United States. One of the most economical ways to get the most soil enhancing cover crops on the market today!

SEEDING RATE: 4 lbs per 1,000 square feet