Annual Ryegrass Seed - Cover Crop

Ryegrass - Annual

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Tetraploid annual ryegrass that has larger leaves, a higher water content, and better palatability than many diploid varieties. This ryegrass will produce high quality feed for use as pasture, hay or silage. It was bred for vigor, disease resistance, and high performance. It is highly resistant to the major forage diseases including crown and leaf rust, leaf spot/scald, powdery mildew, and pythium blight.

Produces excellent succulant long-term grazing if sown alone or in combination with fall-sown small grains and annual clovers. It is a new generation ryegrass with exceptional plant vigor, forage yielding ability, stress tolerance, and disease resistance.

Protein content is in the 24 to 40% range depending on nitrogen levels applied and stage of growth at harvest.

Annual ryegrass can be used to quickly stabilize disturbed sites subject to erosion because seedling establishment and root growth are rapid. This makes this rye grass and excellent choice for quick erosion control, a cover crop, or for pasture uses.


  • New Seeding Rate: 30-40 lbs/acre/broadcast
  • Grazing Use: Beef, Dairy, Sheep, Horse, Ratite
  • Maturity: Late
  • Hay: Excellent
  • Silage/Green Chop: Excellent
  • Controlled Grazing: Excellent
  • Set Stocking: Excellent
  • Crop Land Pasture: Good
  • Drought Tolerance: Low
  • Wet Soil Tolerance: Moderate
  • pH Range: 5.0 - 8.0
  • Fertility Requirements: Medium-High