Southeast Native Grass Seed Mix

This native grass seed mixture of warm and cool-season grasses grows to a height of 24 to 48 inches. It may be planted alone or with a mixture of wildflowers.
This mixture contains:
- 50% Virginia Wildrye - Elymus virginicus
- 30% Little Bluestem - Schizachyrium scoparium
- 14% Purpletop - Tridens flavus
- 6% Broomsedge - Andropogon virginicus
Seeding Rate
- 1/2 lbs/1,000 square feet
- 9 lbs./acre when planting with wildflowers
- 18 lbs./acre grass mix only
Planting times: plant in spring or early summer
Planting range: North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, northern Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, extreme eastern Texas, Arkansas and Tennessee.