Ryegrass - Perennial Pasture Grass Seed

Perennial ryegrass is a new medium-to-late maturing grass. Because it has high sugar and protein content, Ryegrass will help achieve the gains needed in livestock. This perennial rye can be a stand alone crop or part of a pasture mix. It can be grazed or machine harvested for hay, silage or green chop.
Perennial ryegrass can be used for pastures, over-seeding, grazing or harvesting. It is an excellent choice for rotational grazing. It produces wide leaves with superior feed quality high in sugar and protein. It establishes quickly and demonstrates excellent persistence.
- Excellent forage quality
- Excellent grazing tolerance
- Good winter hardyness
- Good persistence
- Good hay production
- Excellent silage
- Excellent green chop
- Overseeding good
- Frost seeding good
Seeding Rate
25 to 40 lbs/acre.