Penstemon Seeds - Rocky Mountain Penstemon Flower Seed

Penstemon Seeds - Rocky Mountain

Payment methods

Flower Specifications

Approximate seeds per pound: 592,000

Season: Perennial

USDA Zones: 3 - 6

Height: 24 - 36 inches

Bloom Season: Summer

Bloom Color: Purple-blue

Environment: Full sun

Soil Type: Well-drained, sandy, pH 6.8 - 7.2

Deer Resistant: Yes

Planting Directions

Temperature: 55 - 60F

Average Germ Time: 15 - 30 days

Light Required: Yes

Depth: 1/16 inch

Sowing Rate: 2 ounces per 1,000 square feet or 5 pounds per acre

Moisture: Keep seeds moist until germination

Plant Spacing: 16 - 20 inches

Care & Maintenance: Penstemon

Penstemon (Penstemon Strictus Rocky Mountain) - They are absolutely stunning in the wildflower garden or in a naturalized setting! Grown from flower seeds, Rocky Mountain Penstemon is a fine source of a brilliant blue color, and it is a native United States plant that gardeners in many parts of the country have come to treasure. The plant has intensely colored blooms that are 1 inch across and shaped somewhat like a snapdragon. They open along sturdy, erect 24 - 36 inch stems giving you enough bloom spikes for cutting and bringing into the house for bouquets. Gardeners are not the only ones who enjoy Penstemon! Hummingbirds and butterflies will be visiting in droves to feed on the nectar.

Rocky Mountain Penstemon seed is considered a wild flower seed. It is recommended to directly sow these seeds outdoors into prepared beds in late fall. In the late fall, loosen the soil and scatter the seed thinly on top allowing spacing so that you can move the plants after they have developed if you need to. Put a very thin layer of coarse sand or potting soil over the flower seeds. They will lie dormant throughout the cold weather of winter, but the moisture and coldness is actually helping to soften the seed coat, and once spring temperatures come, they will begin to sprout. They will become sturdy plants by mid-spring, and if you need to, the seedlings are easy to transplant to permanent locations at that time. Rocky Mountain Penstemon care includes deadheading the spent flowers to promote continued blooming.

Seed Starting Matrix

Shake 'n Seed - We are now offering shaker bottles filled with our seed starting matrix: rich soil, gardening sand, water absorbing crystals, and starter fertilizer. This not only helps dispense your seed, but it gets it off to a great start! Simply remove lid from shaker bottle, add seed from packet, put back on lid, shake the bottle vigorously for 15 seconds, and then shake your way to beautiful new plants! Use Shake 'n Seed over good quality soil, and then gently water to keep seed moist until it sprouts. Great for ground covers or mass planting flower seeds.

Penstemon Flowers Are...

Absolutely stunning in both a wildflower garden or a naturalized setting!

Penstemon Flowers Are...

Penstemon Seeds | Rocky Mountain

How to Grow

It is recommended to directly sow Rocky Mountain seeds outdoors into prepared beds in late fall. Loosen the soil and scatter the seed thinly on top. Put a very thin layer of coarse sand or potting soil over the flower seeds. They will lie dormant throughout the cold weather of winter, but the moisture and coldness will help to soften the seed coat. Once spring temperatures come, they will begin to sprout. Seedings will become sturdy plants by mid-spring, and if you need to, they are easy to transplant to permanent locations at that time.

  • Sowing Rate: 2 ounces per 1000 square feet or 5 pounds per acre
  • Depth: 1/16 inch
  • Average Germ Time: 15 - 30 days
  • Moisture: Keep seeds moist until germination
Penstemon Seeds | Rocky Mountain

Flower Specifications

  • Height: 24 - 36 inches
  • USDA Zones: 3 - 6
  • Season: Perennial