Orchard Pasture Grass Seed

Grazer Orchard Grass Blend contains early, medium, and late maturing varieties.
Orchard grass pasture grass seed is a very robust, drought and shade tolerant grass. Orchard grass was introduced into the US from Great Britain, but grows throughout the world in areas of moderate to high rainfall with moderate winters and warm summers. Growth starts early in the spring as daytime temperatures increase, new tiller formation decreases and increases again only after the days become shorter in the fall. Orchard grass is more heat tolerant than timothy pasture grass, but less than tall fescue. However, orchard grass is very winter-hardy after establishment. It is rather aggressive in mixtures with other grasses, but we have developed varieties that combine the ability to produce stem-free grass under dry conditions with less aggressiveness towards other grasses. Orchard grass is good under hay, silage, and proper grazing management. We have blended together three different orchard grass varieties to give you a pasture grass that will develop at different stages. This blend of Amba, Olathe, and Athos orchard grasses make a winter hardy and drought tolerant blend.
Features of this blend are:
- Good grazing grass
- Excellent hay grass
- Excellent silage
- Good green chop
- High digestibility
- Good disease resistance
- High yield potential
- Excellent winter hardiness
- Not recommend for over-seeding or frost seeding
Orchard Grass Specifications
- Plant Rate: Seed Orchard grass at a rate 20 - 25 lbs/acre.
- Growth Habit: Perennial bunch
- Establishment Rate: 6 - 10 days of temperatures are warm and orchard grass seed kept moist
- Nitrogen Requirements: Medium to High from 40 - 80 lbs/acre.
- Soil pH Range: 5.5 - 7.5
- Minimum Rainfall: Greater than 18 inches
- Dry Matter Yield: 15 - 20 tons
- Regrowth: Fair to good
- Primary Utilization: Hay & Grazing
- Endophyte: No