Kentucky Bluegrass - Hybrid SPF-30

SPF 30 Heat Tolerant Hybrid Bluegrass - Now Professional Turf managers can add genetic diversity with a high-performance Texas Bluegrass x Kentucky Bluegrass cross! Expanding the area of adaptation for bluegrasses, TX x KBG types have been successful farther south than traditional Kentucky bluegrasses, and are adding heat tolerance and summer performance to northern zone turf. SPF 30 produces a high percentage of living ground cover throughout the summer, recovers quickly from drought, and is resistant to brown patch. With its aggressive rhizomes, SPF 30 improves the ability of tall fescue turf to recover when combined in a mixture. SPF 30 is an elite and medium-bladed bluegrass for landscape contractors, sports turf managers, and golf course superintendents who are battling the stress of summer heat. SPF 30 (HB 128) is a sister to HB 129 TX x KBG.
Use SPF 30 hybrid bluegrass in Sod, Sports, Golf Roughs and Lawns, Use SPF 30 in blends with other bluegrasses, with perennial ryegrass, and in multi-species mixes at the rate of 10%-35% by weight to increase density, durability, and genetic diversity. Added to turf type tall fescue at the rate of 5-15%, SPF-30 will increase density, provide brown patch performance, and aid in drought stress recovery. SPF-30 has also demonstrated persistence in partial shade areas in warm-season regions where low light condition are not suitable for Bermudagrass.
Hybrid bluegrasses germinate from seed slightly faster than Kentucky bluegrass, but the differences in overall establishment rate have not been significant. Hybrid bluegrass germinates and establishes slower than tall fescue. Hybrid bluegrass survive prolonged heat and drought periods. Another noteworthy feature is the disease tolerance of hybrid bluegrass. SPF 30 has shown increased tolerance to many diseases compared to regular Kentucky bluegrass including Rhizoctonia blight.
Not only does SPF 30 stand up to moderate summer temperatures extremely well, it shows outstanding shade hardiness. Hybrid bluegrasses possess a strong creeping growth habit due to rhizomes (underground stems). This creeping growth potential is something that most tall fescues do not possess. This should further improve turf density and provide for recuperative potential if a turf stand is damaged.
With the combination of heat and drought tolerance, shade tolerance, quick establishment, and excellent disease resistance, this grass is one of the best on the market.
SPF 30 Grass Characteristics:
- Increased shade tolerance
- Increased wear tolerance
- Allows sod to self-repair
- Competitive nature reduces clumping and broadening of leaf blade width that occurs in other grasses with age
- Ideal partner in mixes with turf type fescue
- Aggressive growth habit
- Optimum mowing height of 2 - 5 inches
Seeding Rate & Planting Time
- New turf: 2 - 3 pounds per 1,000 square feet or 80 -120 lbs per acre
- Overseeding: 1 - 1 1/2 pounds per 1,000 square feet or 40 - 60 lbs per acre for broadcast overseeding
- Plant when soil temperature reaches 55 degrees in spring up until a minimum of 8 weeks before frost in fall