Great Gains

Great Gains - Sheep & Goats - This high sugar grass mixture is great for the homeowner who has a few animals to tend to or the large scale farmer. This pasture grass allows you to work with nature to improve the health and yield of your livestock, pastures and farming operations. Great Gains is especially formulated for sheep and goats and has widespread applications.
This proven pasture grass formula is the preferred choice of progressive farmers throughout the Northwest, Midwest, Northeastern and Mid Atlantic regions, including sustainable and organic farmers. Start making "Great Gains" with your sheep and goats by adding this pasture grass seed to your plans.
Pasture Seed Mixture Includes:
- Aber Green Perennial Ryegrass
- AberEve Intermediate Ryegrass
- Aber Magic Perennial Ryegrass
- Orchardgrass
- Fixation Balansa Clover
- White Clover
Pasture Improvement
- High Sugar Grasses are extremely drought and cold tolerant.
- A Great Gains pasture will regenerate each year even after difficult weather conditions.
- The increased sugar levels occur naturally, and do not require extra fertilizer.
- The naturally quick growth rate of HSGs crowd out weeds and reduce the need for herbicides even on heavily grazed areas.
- SucraSEED mixes rapid re-growth is extraordinary, delivering tremendous yields, this allows farms to take hay crops after a full season of grazing.
Health and Nutrition
- Sheep, Goats and other ruminant animal's preference for Great Gains results in an up to 38% increase in dry matter intake.
- High Sugar Grasses improve digestibility and protein conversion.
- Great Gains boosts energy levels in all ruminat animals.
- Grazing sheep and goats on High Sugar Grass reduces the need for supplements.
- Great Gains creates highly-sustainable pastures.
- Using HSGs reduces dependence on herbicides. It also reduces the need to supplement diets with high-energy intensive crops like corn and soybeans.
- Animals feeding on Geat Gains are shown to emit up to 24% less nitrogen in urine and feces.
- Great Gains is non-GMO.
Financial Rewards
- Sheep and goats experience increased stocking rates of up to 20%.
- Finishing costs are reduced.
- Extra forage yields can extend the grazing season and reduce winter feed costs.
- Costs of Production are lower due to savings on herbicides and the reduced need for minerals, additives or lower quality (lignified) forage.
Planting Information
- Planting rate: 25 lbs. / acre
- Product packaged in 25 lb. bags
- Soil PH: 5.5-8.5
- Cold tolerances: Zones 4 - 7 In climate zones lower than 4, Great Gains may not overwinter. Persistence can be greatly increased if plants are insulated by a snow cover.
- Heat tolerances: Zones 4 - 7 In climate zones higher than 7, portions of the mix may perform as an annual.