Blue Flax Seeds - Linum Perenne Wildflower Seed

Flax Seeds - Blue

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Flower Specifications

Approximate seeds per pound: 328,800

Season: Perennial

USDA Zones: 3 - 10

Height: 12 - 24 inches

Bloom Season: Spring and summer

Bloom Color: Blue

Environment: Full sun

Soil Type: Well-drained, pH 6.5 - 7.5

Deer Resistant: Yes

House Plant: No

Latin Name: Linum Perenne

Planting Directions

Temperature: 65 - 70F

Average Germ Time: 20 - 30 days

Light Required: Yes

Depth: 1/8 inch

Sowing Rate: 3 ounces per 1,000 square feet or 9 pounds per acre

Moisture: Keep seed moist until germination

Plant Spacing: 15 - 18 inches

Care & Maintenance: Flax

Blue Flax (Linum Perenne) - Blue Flax is a perennial flower which will bloom the second year when grown from wildflower seed. It grows from tough, expanding clumps, and produces little pastel blue flowers, 1/2 - 1 inch across that bloom on light, graceful arching branches. Each bloom only lasts a day, but a new flower will open each day to take its place. It is very pretty! It will grow in all regions of North America, and it prefers full sun, and loose, dry soil, but it is very adaptable.

The clear Blue Flax flowers that appear in late spring are the hallmarks of perennial Flax. Clusters of buds typically droop at the branching ends of the slim stems. They open to an inch wide, and are 5 petaled flowers. Buds bloom successively over the weeks, opening in the early mornings just before dawn. Unless the day is overcast, the fully open flowers drop their petals by midday. A new round of bloom follows each day through to mid-summer. Because these Linum Perenne plants produce a profusion of buds, there are always plenty of flowers during its bloom season. Blue Flax will also drop its wild flower seed to re-seed itself the following spring.

Fire resistant

Blue Flax flowers are fire resistant due to leaves and stems staying green with relatively high moisture content during most of the fire season.

blue flax flowers

Flax seed | blue

How to grow

How To Grow Blue Flax From Seed: For sowing Blue Flax seeds, the best results are obtained from seeding in late fall to very early spring. Dormant fall seedings (preferred seeding period for flax) will pre-chill the Linum Perenne seeds and reduce seed dormancy which may be present.

Mulching, irrigation, and weed control all benefit stand establishment. Blue Flax seedling vigor is good, but not as good as most grasses. You may get nice blooms the first growing season, but full bloom onset should not be expected until the second year when planting Blue Flax wild flower seed.

  • Sowing Rate: 3 ounces per 1,000 square feet or 9 pounds per acre
  • Average Germ Time: 20 - 30 days
  • Keep moist until germination
  • Attracts bees, butterflies and birds
  • Depth: 1/8 inch
flax seeds blue

Flower Specifications

Blue Flax wild flowers do best on well-drained soils. They have excellent cold winter and drought tolerance. This wild flower prefers a soil pH of around 6.5 to 7.5. Wild flower seed plants are usually found in sunny, open areas, but they will tolerate semi-shaded conditions.

  • Height: 12 - 24 inches
  • USDA Zones: 3 - 10
  • Season: Perennial
  • Deer Resistant: Yes