Aubrieta Seeds - Rock Cress Whitewell Gem Ground Cover Seed

Aubrieta Seeds - Whitewell Gem

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Groundcover Specifications

Season: Perennial

USDA Zones: 4 - 9

Height: 4 - 6 inches

Width: 12 - 23 inches

Bloom Season: Mid spring to early summer

Bloom Color: Violet purple

Growth Rate: Moderate

Environment: Full sun to partial shade

Deer Resistant: Yes

Latin Name: Aubrieta Hybrida

Planting Directions

Temperature: 68F

Average Germ Time: 14 - 21 days

Light Required: Yes

Depth: Seeds must be covered thinly

Soil Type: Well-drained, pH 6.5 - 7.5

Sowing Rate: Approximately 2000 Aubrieta seeds covers 40 square feet

Moisture: Keep seeds moist until germination

Plant Spacing: 12 inches

Note: For detailed directions for indoor and outdoor planting, please Click Here

Care & Maintenance: Aubrieta

Rock Cress (Aubrieta Hybrida Whitewell Gem) - Grow this terrific perennial from Aubrieta seeds. Aubrieta Whitewell Gem, commonly known as Rock Cress, is an extremely popular rock garden plant and a familiar sight in the spring garden. It forms a low cushion of evergreen leaves, literally smothered by flowers for several months. This Rock Cress variety has flowers in various shades of purple to violet, over grey-green leaves. These ground cover plants should be trimmed lightly immediately after blooming, to encourage a thick mounding habit. Rock Cress plants are an excellent choice for a rock garden in sun or partial shade, growing over rock walls, or in alpine troughs, containers, or in mass plantings for a flowering ground cover. Aubrieta plants do take light foot traffic.

Sow Aubrieta ground cover seed indoors 6 - 8 weeks before the last expected frost date. Use starter trays using a sterilized mix. Press the Rock Cress seeds into the soil and thinly cover. The Aubrieta seeds need light to germinate. Transplant into the garden 12 inches apart after frost danger has passed. After frost season has passed, Rock Cress ground cover seeds can be directly sown into a prepared seedbed outdoors.